Monday, September 19, 2011

Update on The Lying Game

Okay, so the ratings been changed in my mind.

The pilot was great. But then the second week came along and all it really was, was Emma living Sutton's life. So it was *shrugs shoulders* so-so. Nothing new happen, no new info on the search, the only thing that was going on was a bond forming between Emma and Ethan.

Then week three came around and oh my god.....and not the good kind.

There was more searching and more of the real Sutton. Though, what she found seemed confusing and out of control, maybe I didn't get it because I was on the computer most of the time, but then I talked to my sister about it and she, too, thought it was confusing. And when it comes to shows, simple shows like this, it's pretty easy to follow along.

Now, because of that episode I wasn't really rushing to see the next one, either was my sister. Actually she quit completely on the show (and I'm not far along that path. I'm nice so I may give another episode a go. But if it drags I'm done.)

Today I finally got to that episode and it was so-so. The story seems to drag, just Em living Sutton's life, getting closer and closer with Ethan, but that's it. Once in a while they'll get a new piece to the puzzle but nothing more.  Now I know that's all they'll get but for some reason it's just not enough for me, nothing really holding me to the show. And there's scenes that really don't matter to the plot. Or at least to someone who hasn't read the book.

But, then again, when Pretty Little Liars came out I didn't know much about it and didn't start reading the books tell, like, the third season, yet I was, I'm obsessed. So I hoped for the same with this series, since, you's written by the same person.

Now, Sutton, we're seeing more and more of her and personally she's seems like s bitch. Always saying Emma is ruining her life yet she's not. So, she irks me, a lot.

The rating is going down;

 3 hearts
<3 <3 <3

I love this review, she said it in all the right words.

Not so good, 16 September 2011
beauty-all-around7 from Lithuania

Well, I wanted to try this because of Kirsten Prout, I loved her in Kyle XY (here she is totally different). Then I got hooked up by Blair Redford. He is the only thing keeping me watching this show. It seems like the script was written by a teenager. Everything is SO fake and annoying... Nothing comes natural, everything is so artificial and predictable. I attempted to write something very similar when I was a teen. I looked up Blair's profile and found another very similar show "Switched at Birth". Now that is completely different. I was hooked up by everything, it is very fun and entertaining. The script is much better and is more professional.

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