Saturday, January 12, 2013

2012 Reading Challenge Wrap up!

I know I am a bit late with this post as we have almost finished off two weeks in the new year. It's because I've been pretty much lazy, in not wanting to take the time to do it, haha. But now I think it's time to go with it and finish this now before it really does get too far into the year and too late to bring up this topic ^_^
So, here we go!
I signed up for 5 and I created my own. First we'll be taking at look at the goals I signed up for.
My goal was 12
I read 10
Not completed
Here's my list of the ones I did read, Goodreads.
Now, this is the reading challenge that got me hooked into signing up to other reading challenges. And why I am still hooked on reading challenges today! ^_^
I wish I completed it but I couldn't spend money and everytime I went to the library they were all pretty muched checked out. So, I had to be patient haha.Nonetheless, the ones I did read were fun and this challenge was well....a challenge haha. I'm proud of what I did accomplish but I won't be doing it this year as was a challenge, at least for me haha.
 My goal was 15
I read 4
Not Completed
Here's my list of the ones I did read, Goodreads.
Again, this one was hard and I just didn't get into them or I couldn't find them at the library. Maybe if I tried harder but then again, I just wasn't into it enough to do that haha. Will not be doing this again, at least for this year. ^_^ Though, I hope everyone else that signed up had fun!
My goal was 50
I read 67
Here's my list of the ones I read, to page 4, Goodreads.
I read a lot and this was fun to seeing how much I actually do read. I won't be doing this challenge this year, instead I am doing the goodreads one. My goal is 80 and so far I'm doing good, just wish I could read faster haha.

My goal was 20
I read 62
Here's my list of the ones I read, to page 4, Goodreads.
I live in YA so this was a no brainer haha. I will be doing a YA challenge again but this time its hosted by My Overstuffed Bookshelf. And I so cannot wait to see how many I read this year!
And last one I signed up to was

My goal was 25
I read 33+ a few I have yet to review, haha.
I don't have a list for this one as I never made a shelf for it on Goodreads, haha.
I had a blast reading from all the new authors and I can't wait to read more new authors this year! ^_^
Now, onto the challenge I created!

My goal was 24
I read 17
Not Completed
Again, I don't have a shelf on goodreads for this one.
I created this cause early on in the year I was way too busy with school to really read a novel. However, when school was over I was able to get back to  reading them which is why I pretty much forgot all about this goal of mine, haha. Anyways, it was fun but will not be coming back!
There you go. I hope all had a great year of reading and I can't wait for this year of reading challenges. I will be completely them all, the is my goal and a mission! ^_^
Happy Reading Everybody!

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